organizational culture

Let’s explore your organizational culture. Organizational culture is all about HOW we do our work together - the consistent, observable patterns of behavior in an organization. I’ll help you get clear on your desired organizational culture and co-create pathways for cultural change.

Three seated women sit at a laptop and point at things on the screen.

Leaders often realize it’s time for a culture change because things feel stuck.

People are disengaged and demotivated. There is a lot below the surface that is going unsaid. Commitment to the mission feels lackluster. And trust, well, let’s just say it’s low.

You might be feeling that there is untapped potential.

The reality is that organizational culture exists whether or not you are spending time reflecting on it. By bringing explicit attention to it you can tap that potential.

How does that potential show up in a healthy organizational culture? It looks like genuine care and empathy. People thinking and seeing holistically. Space for both/and. Doing great work AND taking care of each other. Limited gossip or discord. Shared and explicit core beliefs. Inclusive cultures that not only hold a lot of difference, they welcome difference.

Is your organization ready for a culture change? Here’s what we can do together:

Let’s do team coaching. Whether it’s a small team, teams across the organization, or the organization as a whole, I’ll use an approach which recognizes that the team is a separate entity with it’s own dynamics. I will help the team to tackle shared leadership, identify the team’s strengths and challenges, and create agreements about how it wants to work together.

Let’s get adaptive. Through listening, coaching, consulting, and facilitation we will work together to surface assumptions and patterns that no longer work for the team; support transparent communication; increase ownership and engagement of all staff; strengthen the leadership approach; identify and build needed skills; and build the capacity of your team to learn and act in a constantly changing and uncertain environment.

Let’s partner to get you where you need to go. Do you need to adapt your systems? Align your approaches with your priorities? Assess and listen to understand what is really going on? Maybe you don’t know what you need. We’ll figure it out together with a practical approach to get you there.

* I often co-lead this rich and complex work with a partner consultant, especially partners that bring different backgrounds and perspectives. Partnering with another consultant gives us the opportunity to both lead activities, and deeply observe and listen to what is happening with the group. It also models collaboration and shared leadership for the participants.