meet lisa

Hi, I’m Lisa. I’m a coach, advisor, trainer, and facilitator specializing in leadership, organizational culture, and networks. Learn about my background and how it informs my values and my work.

What do you need to know about working with me?

  • Clients are unique, situations are complex, and I am always evolving. That means I bring creativity and new approaches to each client project. I encourage my clients to act, reflect, and work adaptively, and I bring those same approaches to my work with you.

  • That means being a good listener, asking good questions, and really getting to know you and your situation. It means not making assumptions. I am practiced at spotting patterns that shed new light on situations. I value practical action and always offer supportive, balanced, and actionable next steps.

  • It's not that hierarchy is all bad. Rather, using hierarchical organizational structures by default and without examination does our work and our world a disservice. Instead, we can educate ourselves in and emphasize additional ways to get work done --- collective leadership, networks, self-organizing principles, sociocracy, and participatory approaches.

  • This means shifting away from mechanistic thinking. As a certified HSD professional, I help leaders, organizations and networks better understand and plan in the emergent/adaptive landscape we work in using models and methods from Human Systems Dynamics.

  • My business approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a reflection of my personal journey and ongoing learning. I practice: noticing and welcoming difference and avoid “othering;” cultivating and assessing environments where everyone feels like they belong; and fostering environments that are fair and provide opportunity to all.

I have worked with over 130 clients and trained over 4,000 leaders across fifteen countries.

I have completed projects in countries including Kenya, Uganda, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Nicaragua, Peru, Bolivia, and the Philippines. I also lived and worked in Cambodia and continue to consult in the lower Mekong region of Southeast Asia.

Wherever I am working, I am dedicated to strengthening community resilience and finding the humanity and the heart in complex problems.

What else?


The Details

I have an MBA from Yale University and a BA in psychology from Luther College. I am certified as a Human Systems Dynamics Professional. Some of my most recent and relevant trainings include:  

You can find more about me on LinkedIn. I’d love to connect with you there!
